This site,, suffered from being rather purposeless in July of 2024, it's first month of existence, and as such, I arbitrarily decided to make it a blog site. Admittedly, I mostly did this because I wasn't any good at making web-design resources, or sites, for that matter. Solely making a blog, however, seemed boring, so I wanted to also test how activity would influence the site.
Prior to my site's revision being pushed, on the 8th of August, the site had 27 followers, and 3782 views. The site was originally published on the 1st of July, so this rougly equates to 0.69 followers per day up, and 97 views a day. This previous version was very much the stereotypical indie web site, it had bright colors, anime girls, was rarely updated, and had virtually 0 content, but to some demographics, it may have been considered visually appealing.
The current site you're on, is the culmination of me attempting the opposite, a site that's styled in an extremely boring manner, but is filled with content, in the form of daily articles. This site version has been up since the 8th of August, and at the time of writing, has 54 followers and 9996 visits after 19 days up. This means that the site has doubled it's followers, and gained 6,214 more views, equating to 1.4 followers per day and 327 views per day. Furthermore, not including this article, the site has 23 articles currently up, equating to 1.17 followers per article posted, and 230 views per article posted.
This is solely ancedotal, but at least for my case, I do believe it shows that freqeuntly updating your site with content does have genuine benefits to gaining popularity. I don't have any evidence to back this up, but I imagine this is likely due to the fact that repeat viewers make up much of the views for content-based sites. Which makes sense, given there's actual reason to return to the sites, as opposed to a cool looking site that was updated 8 months ago.
Now, I can't say these results will really change the way I run this site, if I was smart I'd just drop this site completely now that my pseudo-experiment is done, but I can't bring myself to. I suspect that I'll keep publishing articles daily until I run out of things to say, which will likely be never, as I love talking. Moral of the story, update your site. TM out. My conquest for internet numbers will continue.
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