As tm of, it's my duty to be a paradigm of moral and ethical integrity, and as such, I feel as though it is my duty to highligh the dangers of profane content on our youth. A work colleague of mine, whom I'm not particularly close with, recently suggested that I watch the television show "A Kiss For The Petals", praising it in such a way that one usually only sees reserved for works such as The Godfather or Harakiri. Being the open minded and benevolent individual I am, I immediately legitimately purchased this film in 1080P BluRay and watched it. I'm not a film critique, nor am I degenerate, but I feel uniquely qualified to comment on this, for as someone who has never consumed media fit for such perverts, I bring a unique standpoint. And it is thanks to this standpoint, that I have determined this film to be the worst work of fiction I have ever seen. At the beginning we are introduced to two women, clearly under the age of 52, and thus not morally allowed to engage in sexual intercourse, engaging in sexual intercourse, IN A HEALTHCARE ENVIRONMENT. Not only is this in flagrant disregard of the Geneva Convention, but it also highlights that this was far from the wholesome Catholic romantic comedy that I was under the impression it was. Quite frankly, I can't sing a single praise about this scene, it was littered with jump cuts, and as a full-time sex haver, I can verify that the voice acting was subpar at best. The scene ultimately resulted in one of the characters getting sick, which made me assume this film would ultimately take the path of highlighting the dangers of sin, but NO, NO, the exact same whore comes back and offers this kind young woman a DASANI water bottle, a brand of water which comes directly from the lakes of hell. I simply cannot talk further on this work, it's a work designed for degenerates, lechers, and criminals, it's the worst work of fiction I've ever consumed. TM OUT. TRADEMARKHELL.NET 2/9/25